Proud of the company we keep

We work with the best

Mobiquity partners with best-in-class technology and service providers to deliver powerful digital experiences that engage your customers and exceed your expectations.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

We’re proud to be an AWS Premier Consulting Partner. Mobiquity builds digital experiences on AWS technology, ensuring world-class stability and reliability. Our teams are trained and certified across a wide range of AWS technologies, and we work closely with the AWS team to deliver these capabilities to our clients. In addition to our product certifications, we hold four Competency Certifications: Digital Customer Experience, Mobile, IoT, and Dev Ops.

Amazon Alexa

Our Global Alexa Lab is home to voice-plus innovation. As a top Alexa partner, we possess expertise in voice user interface (VUI) design, copywriting, skills development, and marketing - allowing us to put voice at the core of your digital experiences.


Through our partnership with Backbase, we provide the skills and experience you need to ensure your Backbase system is secure, compliant, and customized to your business. Together, we have the ability to support any size financial institution at any point in the digital transformation process, including implementation and customization of the Backbase platform as well as marketing, design, and engineering support for new digital banking options.

Let’s find your friction
and solve it.

Contact us today